Friday, May 22, 2020
Difference Between Baroque Art And Renaissance Art
The Renaissance era and the Baroque era are two very distinct periods in art history that hold different styles of art. The Renaissance was a period from the 14th to 17th century that sparked a cultural movement in Renaissance art. The Baroque was a period in art history that started around 1600. Renaissance art was a distinct style of art that involved painting, sculpture, and other forms of art. Renaissance artists created artworks that represented religion, frescos, and privately commissioned art. During this era, artists used techniques such as chiaroscuro, foreshortening, and proportion. Baroque art was a style of art that was meant to evoke emotion, and the figures in the artworks were generally in motion, and not still. In this†¦show more content†¦Also, the facial expression of Michelangelo’s David is one of anger. In contrast, Bernini’s David depicts David during his battle with Goliath with a sling in his hand as he is ready to throw the stone at Goli ath. Berninis David epitomizes the Baroque era as it depicts David in motion and evokes emotion which is very important in Baroque art. When looking at how different the artists depict David, it is evident that the artistic styles of these two artists differ immensely. Moreover, Leonardo da Vinci and Tintoretto’s works of art each reflect a different time period that is distinct to its counterpart. Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper is a direct reflection of the Renaissance era, while Tintorettos Last Supper demonstrates a transition to the Baroque. Leonardo’s narrative appears to have been painted in the fresco style while Tintoretto’s looks to be an oil on canvas. By observing both art pieces, it is evident that the layout of the events are different, since da Vinci’s Last Supper is much more structured than Tintoretto’s. In da Vinci’s art, a large and long table is seen with all the figures behind it. 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