Saturday, November 30, 2019
The problem of communication Essay Example For Students
The problem of communication Essay Ever since God punished the people who wanted to build the Tower of Babel with the confusion of tongues in the time of old testament, people around the world have faced the problem of communication. When giving out a historical overview of second-language teaching in Second-Language Acquisition in Childhood, McLaughlin stated: As early as the third millennium B. C. , in what was probably the worlds first great civilization, the Sumerians had scribed devoted exclusively to education. When the country was conquered by the Akkadians in the last quarter of the third millennium, these scribes complied the oldest known bilingual dictionaries. Long continuous passages were translated from Sumerian into Akkadian, line by line. McLaughlin 2 It was since then that people started exploring the arts of language. For years, people have been arguing about the most appropriate methods to teach a second language L2. One question that teachers encounter in the classroom is the use of the learners native language L1. We will write a custom essay on The problem of communication specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now While a group of people think that teaching of the target language should involve no L1, another group of people consider L1 as a help to L2 teaching. Throughout the years, L2 teachers around the world have been analyzing the data they gathered for years along with their personal experiences to find out which approach of L2 teaching works best for teachers themselves. Those who are in favor of the Grammar-Translation method believe that L1 holds great significance in L2 teaching and learning. They teach grammar rules in the mother tongue of the learners as a basis of instruction. Methods such as the Natural Approach , the Silent Way , Total Physical Response , Audio-Lingual Method , and the Direct Method emphasize different concepts of language teaching and learning but followers of these methods all avoid L1 in the classroom. As the debate goes on, it is crucial for all the L2 teachers to first ponder on the goal of language teaching and then to decide what role they want L1 to play in their L2 classroom. For a L2 learner who lives in an environment where the target language is not used on a daily basis, such as English taught in Taiwan, exposure to L2 helps accomplish the goal of language learning, which is to communicate. The use of L1 in L2 classrooms is primarily based on the Grammar-Translation method which emerged in the nineteenth century. It stresses on the ability to read literature in L2, but to learn grammar rules and vocabulary in L1. In the classroom, teachers have authority while students follow instructions to learn what teachers know. Students learn by translating from one language to the other. Grammar is usually learned deductively on the basis of grammar rules and examples. Students memorize the rules, and then apply them to other examples. L1 provides keys to meanings in L2 and it is also used freely in class. Because of the nature of the grammar-translation method, reading and writing are primary skills but pronunciation and other speaking or listening skills are not emphasized or in many cases disregarded. In Taiwan, English is taught in junior high and senior high schools though some children start taking English classes when they are still in elementary school. In junior high and senior high schools, English is taught in Chinese mainly due to the problems of class management and class time. Teachers seem to always find it more efficient to go through the teaching materials in Chinese. They apply literally the grammar-translation method in class with the hope that the students will get good grades to enter a high school or a university. Students learn to read and write through the translation between Chinese and English. However, most of the parents and students often complain that such a teaching method leads them to become test machines who know only how to answer grammar questions or translation exercises on the test sheet but not to use English as a language. Another potential crisis facing these students is that too much stress on vocabulary, translation and the whole grammar structure blurs the most important part of language which is the idea it carries. Students depend so much on the translation of each single word, the structure of each sentence, and the formation of the language that they neglect the communicative message brought by the language. Language grows into a subject to learn, to be analyzed. It loses its function to be the bridge for people to convey their thoughts and feelings. Some of the L2 teachers who are not native speakers of the target language might find it easier to deal with the use of L1 than that of L2. That is, they are more comfortable with L1 than L2 so they choose to use L1 in their L2 classroom. It was an easy method for the teacher to use. Classes could be taught in the students native language with little teaching skill or foreign-language speaking skill needed by the instructor. Objectives were limited and attainable. Vocabulary lists, printed grammar rules, and sample sentences to translate, followed by reading selections, provided maximum control for teachers and students. Bowen 20 The teachers might even project the idea of being comfortable with L1 to their students. Because they feel that it is more comfortable using L1 in the L2 classroom, they think that it is also more comfortable for the students to learn L2 in L1. Anthea Tillyer, a teacher at City University of New York stated that the notion of making students comfortable by using L1 may be a case of comfort now, pay later. She pointed out that to learn a new language, one has to face a few moments of discomfort but the skilled teacher will use L2 to make students feel comfortable and not simply assume that the only way to reduce stress is to use L1. Tillyer Another English teacher at the University of Macau, Dick Tibbetts, also mentioned that: EFL students often have no exposure to English outside the classroom. No street conversation, no TV, no newspapers or magazines. This makes the exposure to English time in class that much more important. You just cannot spend too much of this valuable teaching time using L1. You also need to show that English is a real language, not a textbook subject, by giving classroom instructions in English. Tibbetts Marianna Scheffer, a teacher in Hawaii learned from her experience that: ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦only the most minimal use of L1 can be justified in teaching L2. It would be easy to cater to students by providing them with the pleasing and understandable input of their own language, but it does not do them a favorÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦Students will not learn L2 until they actually commit to using it as a living language. Scheffer Teachers simply cannot use what they consider the effortless way in an L2 classroom. They are responsible for giving L2 students opportunities to understand that like learning any other thing, learning a language entails hard work and pain. However, they learn it faster and more efficiently only when they become comfortable with the target language. .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 , .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .postImageUrl , .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 , .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006:hover , .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006:visited , .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006:active { border:0!important; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006:active , .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006 .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u03c215c7e41790c5047568f4699a6006:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo And Juliet With Midsummer Nights Dream EssayA lot of L2 teaching methods have their different foci but all of them ask for the use of L2 in the classroom. Take the Direct Method for example, all four skills, reading, writing, speaking, listening, are worked on from the beginning but pronunciation is stressed especially. Followers of the Direct Method believe that sounds are basic and carry the melody of the language and that speech, not writing, is the basis of language. Translation is not used at all. L1 is considered a resource because of the overlap that is bound to exist between the two languages. Teachers might have some knowledge of the students L1 as an aid to the instructions but L1 is not used in class. With the Audio-Lingual Method, students learn through imitation and repetition and teachers provide good models. It emphasizes everyday speech. Such methods exercised with the use of L2 take care of the concept of communication we are looking for. David Nunan who has been doing research on language teaching methodology and learning strategies draws attention to one of the types of classroom action, which is teacher talk. In language classrooms it is particularly important because the medium is the message. The modifications which teachers make to their language, the questions they ask, the feedback they provide and the types of instructions and explanations they provide can all have an important bearing, not only on the effective management of the classroom, but also on the acquisition by learners of the target language Nunan 7. Students need to process the input they receive before they can produce output. If what they hear from the teachers is L1 most of the time, they are not getting enough input of L2 to be processed. Thus the expectation teachers have for the students output of L2 will be hard to be fulfilled. Though students in Taiwan are required to study English from junior high school, a lot of parents take their children to English classes when they are still in elementary school. As mentioned previously, parents are not satisfied with the English education their children are receiving at school. They find that cram schools with native speakers of English are a better environment for children to learn L2. One famous professor in the filed of TESOL field, Lily Fillmore, found that children who are successful in acquiring English interact directly and frequently with people who know the language well. qtd. In Bredekamp Such a situation results in the prosperity of the English cram schools with native speakers of English as instructors in Taiwan. Despite the expensive tuition, the parents are still willing to send their children to these cram schools because no matter how much progress their children have made, they all seem to be able to use English as a medium of communication, rather than a tool to get good grades. During the past few years, going to a place where the target language is used for a short period of time has become popular among the English learners in Taiwan. Students, as young as ten years old or even younger, are sent to the States by their parents to learn English during summer vacation or winter vacation. Myriam Met, a teacher at Montgomery County public school points out the function of a foreign language immersion program: Total immersion is the most effective way of developing foreign language proficiency. The intensity of the immersion experience coupled with the amount of exposure to the foreign language assures that students have the necessary language skills to deal with the curriculum in the upper elementary grades. Met Bill Snyder, a graduate student of TEFL program at Bilkent University in Turkey also pointes out one crucial advantage of an immersion: ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦no language is a direct translation of any other, and if you really want to get the feel of the target language, you have to learn the target language in the target language. An immersion atmosphere usually shows that is possible to use the targe t language as a vehicle of communication with all its frustrations rather than an object of study. Snyder Looking at the learning path of English I have traveled on, I had an experience of a six-week immersion in English that totally changed my life. I started taking English lessons at the age of nine. In class, I did not speak much because I thought I spoke really terrible English. I still remember being embarrassed when being asked to read a passage or a sentence or two. I did not like English much at that time and I was always reluctant to go to the classes. At the age of about eleven, I went to a different English class. Because of the previous classes I had, and because I knew vocabulary such as blackboard or classroom, I could probably surpass everyone in class when it comes to grammar and spelling. But still, I did not speak much English. In fact, I even had problems pronouncing my own English name, Catherine. In the summer of 1992, some time before my elementary school graduation, my mother knew from one of the teachers at school that a professor from the States was visiting the Teachers College in my hometown. He was arranging a homestay program, hoping to bring back some students to the States to spend the summer in Kokomo, Indiana. My mother signed me up and sent me onto the flight along with 12 kids to Indiana to spend the summer. Each of us was assigned an American family to stay with. From about 8 A. M to noon, we had classes at a church and learned vocabulary and grammar. Since the teachers were Americans and they did not speak any Chinese, the only way to communicate with them was to speak English though a lot of body language was used. In the afternoon, we were taken to the town to visit the library, the city hall, the fire department, the supermarket, and to use the vocabulary we learned in the morning. Even though I did not speak much English during the six-week period, when I came back from the States to attend junior high school, to my surprise, I found that not only did I have more confidence in using English to convey my thoughts and feelings, but also my accent had changed. Moreover, I have ever since then realized that English is a living language. During the six-week program, I seem to have undergone a process of language acquisition. For some of the linguists, we acquire L1 but we learn L2. However, Stephen Krashen, who is a very famous professor at the University of Southern California believes that L2 can be acquired. According to Krashen, there are two independent systems of second language performance: the acquired system and the learned system. The acquired system or acquisition is the product of a subconscious process very similar to the process children undergo when they acquire their first language. It requires meaningful interaction in the target language natural communication in which speakers are concentrated not in the form of their utterances, but in the communicative act. .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 , .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .postImageUrl , .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 , .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8:hover , .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8:visited , .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8:active { border:0!important; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8:active , .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8 .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u169dd389fadacde79a8729f17c395ee8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Artificial Intelligence EssayThe learned system or learning is the product of formal instruction and it comprises a conscious process which results in conscious knowledge about the language, for example knowledge of grammar rules. According to Krashen learning is less important than acquisition. SchÃÆ'ƒÂ ¼tz The concept of second language acquisition can be supported by other linguists such as Chomsky, who suggested that children had an innate Language Acquisition Device LAD Lyon 14. Krashen once said: Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language natural communication in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding. qtd. In SchÃÆ'ƒÂ ¼tz Holzman in his The Language of Children raises a notion of whole language for second-language acquisition. He noted that it is called whole language because listening, talking, reading, and writing are undertaken as they are naturally needed to address the students goals. All aspects of language are viewed as acquired rather than as separate skills Holzman 224. Second language acquisition is possible only under the circumstances when L2 is instructed naturally like the way we acquire L1. When we acquire L1, we do not use another language as the medium. By the same token, to create a natural environment of L2 learning, we do not necessarily need L1 to be the medium. One possible perspective to approach the problem of whether to use L1 or L2 is to look at the ultimate goal of learning and teaching a second language. Are students learning a second language to pass exams, to get good grades, or to be able to communicate with people who speak the language they are learning? Are teachers teaching a second language to accumulate fortune, to complete the work they are assigned, or to introduce a concept of communication to the students? Even though it is a fact that most of the junior high and senior high school students in Taiwan are under a great deal of pressure to earn good grades, it is still crucial for the teachers to stress a healthier attitude towards language learning. A language is not only a subject like mathematics or science, it is a form of art with which people with different tongues convey their thoughts, feelings, cultures, and their life styles. As some scholars in the field of cultural studies might say that word is the death of real, sometimes a language does not seem to be so dependable as it appears. That is, the language that we receive or produce does not always promise the function we wish. This explains why people encounter misunderstandings through languages and why there are so many unexplainable aspects in each language. However, it is yet the magic that we use to break down the barriers between people of different life styles and cultures. With this purpose, the learning of languages does stand out to be distinct from all other studying we do at school. While teachers might have to run through a certain amount of teaching materials within a short period of time, using L1 helps complete the activities at a rapid rate. Nevertheless, it does not cater to the ultimate goal of language learning; the most significant part of language learning, which is the concept of communicative competence is thus erased. Keeping the notion in mind, the teachers should be asking themselves a question: What am I going to accomplish in the language classroom? To be done with the teaching materials within a period of time appointed? Or to help students achieve the goal of language learning? Being said that it is worth trying to use L2 in a L2 classroom, however, L1 does hold its value under the following circumstances. Just like a doctor treats his or her patients, or like most of the other vocations, a teaching job requires not only technical skills and professional knowledge, it also requires that teachers be aware of the students emotional needs. As we go through a process of therapy conducted by an experienced doctor, he or she should be taking our feelings into consideration along with our physical condition to facilitate the treatment. A doctor who knows only how to treat disease, to prescribe medicine is but an artisan. A doctor who knows also how to console patients with soft words counts a real doctor. This concept also applies to a teacher. As we learn something, we inevitably have to encounter some degree of emotional frustration. For example, a student might be coming to the class with a stomachache and the pain irritates him so much that he is not able to concentrate in class. Another student might be coming to the class with a depressed mood because of some kind of family problem happened the night before. Still another student might be coming to the class with a special personality that makes him too shy to try anything in class. A language teacher will need to take heed of the feelings of his or her students throughout the learning process. In this kind of case, L1 might be needed to comfort the students since everyone seems to be more comfortable to describe their sickness or frustrations in their mother tongue. Piaget explored the development of childrens language learning and he said: language was a reflection of thought and not a shaper of thoughts. Piaget He believed that language is a series of assimilations which accelerates the proofs of cognitive development. It would be unreasonable for us to treat language learning as learning of any other subjects. We are not producing translation machines of a second language. The ultimate goal for us to achieve is to use the language as a real language, to use it to exchange thoughts, feelings with others. Taking reality and ideal both into consideration, no one should go to extremes in the debate of the use of L1 or L2. However, if we clarify the goal we want to reach in the L2 classroom, the decision should not be too hard to make. Since school-aged students usually cannot choose what to learn or how they would like to be taught at school, no matter how tough a reality they need to deal with, the teachers should always keep the ultimate goal of teaching and learning in mind so that the students will not be deprived of the opportunity to true learning. They should always know by hearts that when they are with the students in the classroom, they are introducing a concept of communication to the students; they are focusing on the communicative competence of the students. Moreover, they also bear the responsibility to acquaint their students with a healthier learning attitude towards language learning, which is to be able to communicate with people who speak the language they are learning. If all of these notions come first in language teaching and learning, the teachers will realize that it is worth trying to use L2 in their L2 classrooms to fulfill the goal.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Medea Vrs Beloved
Mothers always try to make the correct decisions for their children. Whether it is with their children’s friends, their behavior, or any other aspect of their life. The Mother in Beloved by Toni Morrison, as well as the mother in Media by Euripides, makes decisions concerning the survival of their children, but were these mothers looking out for the best interest of their child or themselves. In Beloved by Toni Morrison, the mother makes a very crucial decision in the lives of her children. The mother in this story, Sethe, concludes that it would be better for her children to be dead then for her children to have to suffer because of slavery, like she is. Sethe, as well as all the other women slaves, was raped multiple times and was forced into arduous labor. She would not be able to witness her own daughter, Beloved; go through what she had to go through and therefore murdered her. She also tried to murder her two sons and other daughter, but they were all saved. This was for the best because her two sons eventually escaped and did not have to be slaves for much longer, and her other daughter became very close with Sethe. After this murder takes place, Sethe is shunned from the community for eighteen years. She is shunned, not only for the murder of her child, but also for the way she held her head up as if she did such a great act. Due to this, one’s first glance may be to see Sethe as a women without a heart, a beast, and a ruthless women who does not care about her own flesh and blood, but once one learns about all the pain Sethe went through, this murder becomes more seems to be a murder committed due to a mothers love for her child. In Medea by Euripides the case in which the mother kills her daughter is quite different. This play starts out by a husband cheating on his wife. The husband, Jason, is cheating on his wife, Medea, with the princess of their country, and is going to marry her. Medea finds out abo... Free Essays on Medea Vrs Beloved Free Essays on Medea Vrs Beloved Mothers always try to make the correct decisions for their children. Whether it is with their children’s friends, their behavior, or any other aspect of their life. The Mother in Beloved by Toni Morrison, as well as the mother in Media by Euripides, makes decisions concerning the survival of their children, but were these mothers looking out for the best interest of their child or themselves. In Beloved by Toni Morrison, the mother makes a very crucial decision in the lives of her children. The mother in this story, Sethe, concludes that it would be better for her children to be dead then for her children to have to suffer because of slavery, like she is. Sethe, as well as all the other women slaves, was raped multiple times and was forced into arduous labor. She would not be able to witness her own daughter, Beloved; go through what she had to go through and therefore murdered her. She also tried to murder her two sons and other daughter, but they were all saved. This was for the best because her two sons eventually escaped and did not have to be slaves for much longer, and her other daughter became very close with Sethe. After this murder takes place, Sethe is shunned from the community for eighteen years. She is shunned, not only for the murder of her child, but also for the way she held her head up as if she did such a great act. Due to this, one’s first glance may be to see Sethe as a women without a heart, a beast, and a ruthless women who does not care about her own flesh and blood, but once one learns about all the pain Sethe went through, this murder becomes more seems to be a murder committed due to a mothers love for her child. In Medea by Euripides the case in which the mother kills her daughter is quite different. This play starts out by a husband cheating on his wife. The husband, Jason, is cheating on his wife, Medea, with the princess of their country, and is going to marry her. Medea finds out abo...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Order, Age, and Pareidolia
Order, Age, and Pareidolia Order, Age, and Pareidolia Order, Age, and Pareidolia By Maeve Maddox In his Essay on Criticism (1711), Alexander Pope (1688-1744) wrote: A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts [swallows] intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely [drinking great quantities] sobers us again. In Greek myth, drinking from the Pierian spring instilled knowledge. In modern terms, Pope is saying that superficial knowledge makes people imagine they know more than they do about a topic; this false sense of knowledge leads to extravagant conclusions that do not hold up with further information. An example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing is the web of misinformation and conspiracy theory that has grown up around a Latin quotation on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States. Note: Images of both sides of the Great Seal can be seen on the back of a one-dollar bill. The image of the reverse is on the left. The reverse of the Great Seal shows an uncompleted pyramid with an eye in a rayed triangle above it. The words ANNUIT COEPTIS appear above the eye, and the words NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM appear on a scroll beneath the pyramid. Both quotations are taken from Vergil’s Latin epic, the Aeneid. The first quotation, annuit coeptis, translates as â€Å"[He] favors the undertaking.†In the context of the poem, the line is part of a prayer by Aeneas to Jupiter, and the understood subject He refers to the chief Roman god. Aeneas was praying about â€Å"undertakings†that included the foundation of Rome. (According to Vergil, Romulus and Remus were descendants of Aeneas.) To the eighteenth-century Deists setting up a country they viewed as a â€Å"new Rome†destined to endure for centuries, the eye- and the implied pronoun- represented Divine Providence. The second quotation, novus ordo seculorum translates as â€Å"new order of the ages,†not, as conspiracy theorists would have it, â€Å"New World Order†or â€Å"New Secular Order.†The designers of the Great Seal did not attach the same meanings to the Latin words ordo and seclorum that modern conspiracy theorists do. In the quotation from Vergil, ordo implies a sequence of historical periods. And seculorum does not denote the same thing as the English adjective secular. The most common use of secular today is as an adjective meaning â€Å"worldly, not sacred.†To Vergil, the adjective saecularis, (â€Å"relating to a long period of time†) derived from the noun saeculum, which could mean â€Å"a generation,†â€Å"a century,†or â€Å"a very long period of time.†For example, to a modern English speaker, the phrase â€Å"secular entertainment†would mean â€Å"entertainment having nothing to do with religion.†For ancient Romans, â€Å"secular entertainment†meant shows or games that were put on at very long intervals. The ancient Ludi Saeculares (secular games), for example, took place every 100 or 110 years. The classically trained men who approved the final design of the Great Seal in 1782 were acquainted with the ancient belief that human history progresses and declines by Ages. For example, Ovid describes four ages: Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. The quotation from Vergil reflects the founders’ feeling that the creation of the new nation represented the beginning of a new age in the history of the world. Some conspiracy theorists who misinterpret the quotation also claim to see occult symbols hidden in the designs on both sides of the Great Seal. There’s a word for seeing meaningful images in random patterns: pareidolia /pair-eye-DOLE-ee-uh/ noun: the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful, image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern. One type of pareidolia is face pareidolia: the illusory perception of non-existent faces. Another is letter pareidolia: the illusory perception of non-existent letters. Claims to see satanic images in the Great Seal are examples of symbol pareidolia. This type of pareidolia is especially troublesome in the context of logo design because the same image can appear differently to different viewers- even to the same viewer at different times. Symbol pareidolia occurred with the 2014 World Cup logo: some viewers saw it as the depiction of a soccer fan doing a facepalm: a gesture in which the palm of ones hand is brought to ones face, as an expression of disbelief, shame, or exasperation. Sometimes an artist intentionally plays to pareidolia by creating an image intended to be seen in two ways. A famous example is the drawing called All Is Vanity by Charles Allan Gilbert (1873-1929). At first glance, the viewer sees a lovely Victorian-era woman looking at herself in the large round mirror above her cosmetic-laden dressing table. With a second look, the viewer discerns not the woman, but the image of a deaths head- a human skull that represents death and the fleeting nature of life. Alexander Pope would probably be amused to see the amount of nonsense about the US Great Seal that has resulted from a little learning and a lot of pareidolia. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:16 Substitutes for â€Å"Because†or â€Å"Because Of†40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†"Wracking" or "Racking" Your Brain?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Government attempts to infringe on freedom of the press that allows Research Paper
Government attempts to infringe on freedom of the press that allows citizens to access information - Research Paper Example The paper will address various ways in which the government is trying to control the freedom of the press. There has been recent evidence of the administration trying to control stories aired in the newsroom. The attempt has been through the federal communication commission (FCC) (Devon 1). The attempt has been through an investigation done by â€Å"Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs†(Devon 1). In this initiative, there is an attempt to gather information from television and radio broadcasters. The aim is to establish the process by which stories are selected (Devon 1). Moreover, the information collected through the initiative is used to designate â€Å"station priorities†(Devon 1). This is believed that it will help to filter content production quality, and the population served. The initiative is also meant to ensure there is no station bias and regulate exposure to critical information. It is assumed that if successful, the FCC agents will have the authority to visit newsrooms (Devon 1). The agent has also made an opinion on the key topics the government think could be covered with news outlets. The idea is a reflection of the federal government attempt to suggest a topic for media news coverage. The FCC has also focused on reporting. The agent has made an attempt to show what is appropriate to report. The same agent is the one responsible for issuance of licenses to the broadcasters. The conflict of interest may act in compelling the media to follow the FCC instructions (Devon 1). Hence, failure to comply with the set standards may lead to media being threatened by penalties and license revocation. On the other hand, the department of justice is also seen trying to control the press. There has been a report of the department tracking the movement of reporters (Fox News Insider 1). An example has been recent tracking of Fox News correspondent James Rosen (Fox News Insider 1). The tracking has bee on
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Peer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25
Peer review - Essay Example According to the article, incorporating a balanced scorecard allows any organization to analyze how they are doing both non-financially and financially through going deep into where they are and decide the route that they will follow in order to attain their goals and objectives. According to Blocher et al. (2012), they also believe that in order to succeed, you have to align your business activities to the strategy and vision of the organization, improve external and internal communications, as well as monitor organization performance against planned goals. In the last paragraph, the writer elucidates to the reader how the organization overcame their plummeting sales through changing their strategy and deciding what their client would like to experience, how they can evaluate their financial performance and better manage their internal affairs, which were all significant aspects of assessing the performance of an organization (Michelli, 2007). Some of the thing that the writer could have added to the paper to make it more special is discussions on why the sales of Starbucks decreased in 2007 and how they got back up. Some critics also advise that writers should bear in mind that their articles might reach many people from different religions, thus is it also advisable to write from a neutral point of view rather than dwelling on one religion in order for others to feel recognized
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Pure Church Essay Example for Free
Pure Church Essay The service is at Pure Church in Birmingham, AL. I am at the heart of the South, literal marching ground of the civil rights movements in the 1950s. 50 years ago, this place was the launching ground for the black civil rights movement. This is where a revolution rang out from, a revolution that has bore the America of the present day (Rose, 1998). The sitting arrangement is oval in line with the church’s seats design. The church is surrounded with television sets all over so as to allow the congregation gets full view of the sermons. Pictures of young people responding to the emotional charges of the priest flashes all more frequently and families across the ocean, all to Atlanta, Selma and Montgomery and Ohio all get the glimpse of the preacher and the entire proceedings of the sermon from their television sets. Throughout the history the African- American church has maintained a tenacious grip on the gospel outsourcing justice. The congregation here are so emotionally charged and any sign of lack of emotional charge in one individual makes that person the odd one out, and therefore I had to do it as Romans do it as I was on their territory just to fit in the system for I had not been naturally sucked in the system. The congregation is dominated by the young people, majority young women of middle age. Full of energy, this group can stand for long, dance and clap with the tune of the gospel songs booming from the speakers installed around the walls of the church. The preacher, a middle aged man with white attire, symbolizing the holiness of the place, arrives with touching and rendering tunes of the Don Moen’s popular song, ‘arise’. The preacher’s attire contradicts the general attire of the congregation, which seems to be more contemporary and have no clear cut significances of resemblance with each other. The preacher seems to understand his audience well and therefore considering his choice of the topic of the day, dating and Christianity. How well would the preacher show the concern of the modern youth? This is why the preacher would not be irrelevant enough to choose topics like slavery, which were very relevant 50 years ago. In those years, the gospel pierced the soul and when they were laced with social injustice of slavery and racism. But today in this church, full of post- slavery people congregation, gospel edges here is shaved, sanded and smoothened such that the gospel only tickles rather pierce. In between every comment, that is, approximately after every five minutes, the sermon is refreshed with gospel music from contemporary gospel singers like Kirk Franklin. After some time, the whole church is immersed with songs of praise. The choir on the stage, the dancers streaming in one by one with their dancing skills to prove their ability to make the word of God enjoyable rather than a boring affair. The preacher moves with the congregation in response to the rapturous songs coming from speakers. He moves around the church in order to make his work lively and keep everybody attentive. Every row is fitted with a microphone and in addition there is a wireless microphone that goes around just in case there existing one develops technical problems. The people are expected to ask questions and make contribution to the topic of the day. Some take that opportunity to give their testimony, and some confess. Then time comes when the congregation receives blessings one by one from the preacher. People queue and pass by preacher’s section one by one, with stewards directing people. The preacher touches the fore head of individuals with some cold- like ice to bless the individual members of the congregation. My turn comes and I do the necessary, for nobody is left out. For some visitors like me, they find it difficult to follow all these doctrines and their being new in the church could easily get noticed. When the blessing were complete, the church goes quiet and the preacher announces that it is time to reflect on our past mistakes and sins and ask for forgiveness. This takes five minutes and the during this period the church goes silent that the only sound heard is from a hissing sound friction of the wind and the roof the church. The second last phase of the service involves group discussions, where people form temporary groups to learn from each other’s personal experience. This is part of the interactive process of the service. This process takes approximately fifteen minutes. The people seem comfortable with this session unlike the guests like us. Before I noticed that the groups were random, I could not identify myself with a group, since I did not want to be noticed. The collection of the offerings from the congregation begins after the group discussions. This process goes faster since small bags are circulated around for people to deposit their offerings. This is done as the slow and soft music streams from the speakers. Finally the preacher calls for any visitors to rise and introduce themselves. About nine visitors stand up and do the introduction one by one, giving their personal experience with the church. With this the preacher ends service as the music continues. The service is well planned with a clearly laid down procedure and role of the preacher in guiding the congregation. The choir does their part as they keep the congregation on toes with their emotional songs. In contrast to the traditional churches, the program is completely redefined to suit the composition of the congregation. The format is laid such that the music forms major part of the service. This is meant to contain the completely volatile group of this congregation, the youth. Then youth have proved to want something different from their fathers and forefathers (Gladys, 1993), ranging from music to sermon methodology. This is why the contemporary music of Kirk Franklin took most part of the service. The church seems to respond to the well to the youth’s social needs unlike their fathers who had experienced racial discriminations and therefore used the church as a podium to fight social injustice. The choice of dressing code here is also contemporary. The youth are known to be opposed to uniformity of the anything as they chose to explore and anywhere that seems to preserve their identity is definitely the best option (John 2003). The building is symbolic such that the roof top is fitted with a big cross. It is also oval, such that the preacher moves around at the center of the congregation. However, in contrast to the traditional design of the church buildings, this church is fitted with television sets, an effort to reach a bigger audience who could not reach the church. It is also a form of advertising the church such that more converts could turn out. The church does not offer any special service like Sunday school. This is visibly because the composition of the congregation is middle aged groups who are basically not yet parents. Another area which is completely different with other traditional churches is the Holy Communion. Here the Holy Communion is not part of the service, and instead the preacher does only the ritual of blessing by cold water smeared on the forehead. This is in line with this church’s doctrine. Conclusion The modern church has gone under several evolutions with new church doctrine being introduced in place of the traditional ones (Job, 1999). However the changes that have occurred have been fused into the system. Despite all these changes, there are some doctrines which have been retained. The rituals of blessings using water dates back to the bible history where the Jewish used to be blessed with the churches (Thomas, 1995). The symbol of cross, signifying the cross used in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, make the church complete with the tradition similar to all traditional churches like the roman catholic with all their churches having crosses. The preacher order general observation of silence just like it is observed in the Roman Catholic Church, meant for the congregation to ask for forgiveness in silence (Joe, 2001). It is therefore clear that even though things have changed significantly, the common doctrines of the churches are still observed. Thomas, J. 1995: The legacy of African- American Church, New York, Revolution Publishers Joe, A. 2001: What’s Impressive about Briarwood Presbyterian? California, Religion Development Printers Rose, L. 1998: The Primacy of Preaching- How can we do it differently? Denver,Holy Publishers. Job L. 1999: Six Goals for Every Preacher- Bettering your approach as a preacher, New York, Revolution Publishers John F. 2003: Contemporary Church Vs Traditional one, Atlanta, Biblical Printers Gladys P. 1993: Do you have a favorite Book of The Bible, Atlanta, Biblical Printers
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Lady Macbeth Character Analysis Essay -- essays research papers
Lady Macbeth: Unsexed and Uncovered      Lady Macbeth progresses throughout the play from a seemingly savage and heartless creature to a very delicate and fragile woman. In the beginning of the play, she is very ambitious and hungry for power. She pushes Macbeth to kill Duncan in order to fulfill the witches’ prophecy. In Act I, Scene 6, she asks the gods to make her emotionally strong like a man in order to help her husband go through with the murder plot. She says, â€Å"Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full Of direst cruelty!†Also, she does everything in her power to convince Macbeth that he would be wrong not to kill Duncan. In Act I, Scene 7, she tells him, â€Å"What beast was’t then That mad...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Richard Miller
Brittany Scott February 22, 2013 Prof. Brittany Scott February 22, 2013 Prof. â€Å"The Stereotypes of Freire, Miller, Rodriguez, and Bordo†Having to read four stories from four well educated authors can leave you puzzled, but it can also open your mind to other forms of learning. The stories â€Å"The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education by Paulo Freire, â€Å"The Dark Knight of the Soul†by Richard Miller, â€Å"The Achievement of Desire†by Richard Rodriguez, and â€Å"Beauty (Re)Discovers the Males Body†by Susan Bordo all take on different aspects of learning. But while analyzing my readings I noticed that each author made a stereotype for their view of learning.Paulo Freire’s, said to be one of the most influential radical educators of our world viewings of literature were based on students and teachers. Freire created a system for teachers and students to have an equal power, but while doing his research him began to compare student teacher learning relations. Freire stereotyped students as takers (depositories) and teacher’s givers (depositors), but he also made it known that at times a student can be the giver. By students getting their education from a higher power, Freire feels as if it is depriving students of their creativity.In a passage from Freire states â€Å"Oppression – overwhelming control – is necrophilic; it is nourished by love of death, not life. The banking concept of education, which serves the interest of oppression, is also necrophilic. Based on a mechanistic, static, naturalistic, spatialized, view of consciousness, it transforms students into receiving objects. It attempts to control thinking and action, leads women and men to adjust to the world, and inhibits their creative powers. †I believe that Freire use his concepts as examples. From the quote from the book, he made it known that we as students are oppressed by the higher authority, the teacher.Through h is explanations he made it known that we receive and the more that we just receive, we are only going to regurgitate. Which leave you to having no creativity. In Richard E. Miller†s â€Å"The Dark Knight of the Soul†he compared literature to massacres. In Millers first story He used the events that happened at Columbine High School. Stating that the two young fellas Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were all these things such as middle class, follower and leader, smart kid and a loser, and the even had alcohol fueled dreams but yet Miller felt as if more education and religion would have kept the two in line.The young ma Harris was said to have applied to numerous of colleges but was rejected and he was also rejected from the Marine Corps from having some drug in his system, all of this being weeks before the big massacre. They were bright students and brilliant when it came to computers and math but only one of them had something going for themself and that was Klebold. K lebold was well known in school, had a date for prom and even visited a college wee we was going to be attending in the upcoming semester, but soon both boys worlds would meet and collide.Miller basically said that if we read, write, and talk more that we are less likely to commit to deviance acts of violence. Richard Rodriguez used himself as a personal image but used his family as reflective image for the upcoming success he was striving for in â€Å"The Achievement of Desire. †Although Rodriguez is Latino and his family is considered to be middle class, as he got older and his knowledge began to expand he began to look down on of those little or less knowledge of what he knew.He was very distant from his family because of the love he ad from his books and the little interaction he would give them because he felt different; he felt like he could/should be better than them. As he got older his family laughed at him and called him names because he somewhat considered himself better than them. As he got older he began to critique himself for the distance, looking down on his family, and wanting to be so much of a scholar that he finally realized he was basically by himself.Being in a school in another country, watching others and how they socialize made realize that he was by himself and that instead of investing so much time into books, trying to be like that teacher he should have invested his time into a family ad even having friends. In Susan Bordo’s â€Å"Beauty (Re) discovers the Male Body†she takes the pressure off of us woman and finally puts it on the man by comparing the judgment of the males’ picture and the females’ picture.Bordo took the fire off of us females and finally put it of the male by comparing the likelihood of a female dressed a certain way in a photo on a billboard or in a magazine somewhere to a male dressed with more or less clothing. I can recall Bordo saying â€Å"Woman may dread being surveyed harshly†¦ men are not supposed to enjoy being surveyed period. †She feels that men are getting more comfortable wearing little to no clothing, being looked at as meat, or maybe even a sex symbol. In a commercial advertisement that Bordo seen read â€Å"men act and woman appear. A man can sit around and do work but not pay attention to any attention that is coming his way while a woman will show off her legs and her cleavage just to get that attention she is looking for. As time changes men are becoming more self-conscious of their appearance and what others may think of them. They are more willing to pose naked and take on certain roles in movies that they would not have in once upon a time. Whether it is their size, their looks, their shape, or even their masculinity both mean and woman are creatures of appearances and actions.Each author has their own perception of imaging. Whether it is visual, hands on, or something that they actually may have been a part of. During their phases of teaching they all began to hypothesize or stereotype a human been in some shape or form of an object. They still stick to their idea and they go on to describe how and why they feel that we as people are what they are characterizing. Freire, Miller, Rodrigues, and Bordo were all well educated in their area of works. They also made it easy for me as a student to understand learning through their eyes.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Music Can Do Wonders
It’s amazing how one song can change your entire mood. Whether it brings back an old memory, or pumps you up for a basketball game, music can do wonders. One simple song could change a lot. Music originated in the Paleolithic era, scientists have found ancient flutes made of bones with lateral holes punched in them. The Hurrian song, found on clay tablets that date back to approximately 1400 B.C., is the oldest surviving notated work of music.If it weren’t for the music legends like Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, and of course, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, music would have never evolved into what it is today. `Music today mostly consumed by pop, country, rap, and whatever Miley Cyrus is. A few of the popular artists today are Florida Georgia Line, Katy Perry, Eminem, Drake, and Imagine Dragons. Most of the artists who rise in music today are quickly pushed out of the spotlight by the next â€Å"big thing†.The particular genre of music I prefer is rap. Artists like Kendrick Lamar, Kid Cudi, and Wiz Khalifa are some of the people I like to listen to. I also like country and some pop. Country and pop artists whom I like are Florida Georgia Line, Imagine Dragons, and Blake Shelton.I love listening to music. Relaxing in my room listening to my favorite song is probably my idea of mini paradise. Music to me is one of the most powerful and important things in my life. Music is an expression of someone’s feelings that can be translated into other people’s feelings, depending on how the person interprets it.Music has a very strong impact on society. People that live in different areas of the world like different types of music. For example, people around South Dakota probably prefer country music more than people in New York.Music is as popular today as it’s ever been. Everybody likes music. Music allows people a release from the stress that life puts on people, allowing them to feel em otions that they have never felt before, emotions that they can’t feel anywhere else.The reason we feel the emotions that we do is because when a person listens to a song that they really like, their body releases a hormone called dopamine. Dopamine improves blood flow in humans, reducing risk of heart attacks, heart failure, kidney problems, and low-blood pressure.Robert Young McMahan, music theory professor at the College of New Jersey, says people listen to music to help them feel good in whatever situation they are in and that different types of music call for different situations. â€Å"If you go to a grocery store, you hear music played in the background that usually has popular standards,†McMahan says. â€Å"But, if you go to the Penn Station in New York, you usually hear classical music. There is a reason that they are playing those specific kinds of music.†That reason is because subway stations in New York can get really hectic, and classical music wou ld relax people hopefully enough for them not to cause a ruckus. Popular music plays in grocery stores, because that’s the music that most people like. If you want to relax, most people would probably recommend classical music. They would probably recommend it because of the slow melodies, and a generally relaxing sound. What they don’t know is that classical music can actually slow down your heart rate, causing real relaxation Music also makes you think than you would consciously.When your brain listens to music, it tries to separate each individual sound. An example would be when you listen to a song, your brain focuses on the beat of the drum while also focusing on the strum of the guitar and the lyrics to the song. This causes your brain to exercise without you even realizing it, causing you to send out brain waves. The brain waves can make you either more alert or relaxed, depending on the song. In conclusion, I think music is one of the most powerful forces in th e world today. Every single person on Earth listens to music. I love music more than anything. I love listening to different genres and exploring what kinds of music other people listen to. Music can take you on an adventure, so hop on and enjoy the ride!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Universal Basic Income - Definition and History
Universal Basic Income - Definition and History Universal basic income is a controversial proposal under which the government provides regular, permanent cash payments to each citizen with the intent of lifting everyone out of poverty, encouraging their participation in the economy and covering the costs of their most fundamental needs including food, housing and clothing. Everyone, in other words, gets a paycheck - whether they work or not. The idea of setting a universal basic income has been around for centuries but remains largely experimental. Canada, Germany, Switzerland and Finland have launched trials of universal basic income variations. It gained some momentum among some economists, sociologists and tech industry leaders with the advent of technology that allowed factories and businesses to automate the manufacturing of goods and to reduce the size of their human workforces. How the Universal Basic Income Works There are many variations of the universal basic income. The most basic of these proposals would merely replace Social Security, unemployment compensation and public-assistance programs with a basic income for every citizen. The U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network supports such a plan, stating that the system of trying to force Americans into the workforce as a way of eliminating poverty has not proven successful. Some estimates show that approximately 10 percent of people who work full time all year around live in poverty. Hard work and a booming economy have not comes close to eliminating poverty. A universal program like the basic income guarantee could eliminate poverty, the group states. Its plan would provide a level of income necessary to meet their most basic needs to every American, regardless of whether they worked, in a system is describes as an efficient, effective, and equitable solution to poverty that promotes individual freedom and leaves the beneficial aspects of a market economy in place. A more complicated version of the universal basic income would provide about the same monthly payment to every American adult, but it would also require that about a quarter of the money be spent on health care insurance. It would also impose graduated taxes on the universal basic income for any other earnings over $30,000. The program would be paid for by eliminating public-assistance programs and entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare. Cost of Providing a Universal Basic Income One universal basic income proposal would provide $1,000 a month to all 234 million adults in the United States. A household with two adults and two children, for example, would receive $24,000 a year, barely hitting the poverty line. Such a program would cost the federal government $2.7 trillion a year, according to economist Andy Stern, who writes about the universal basic income in a 2016 book, Raising the Floor. Stern has said the program could be funded by eliminating about $1 trillion in antipoverty programs and reducing spending on defense, among other methods. Why Universal Basic Income Is a Good Idea Charles Murray, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State,†has written that a universal basic income is the best way to maintain a civil society amid what he described as a coming labor market unlike any in human history. It will need to be possible, within a few decades, for a life well lived in the U.S. not to involve a job as traditionally defined. ... The good news is that a well-designed UBI can do much more than help us to cope with disaster. It also could provide an invaluable benefit: injecting new resources and new energy into an American civic culture that has historically been one of our greatest assets but that has deteriorated alarmingly in recent decades. Why Universal Basic Income Is a Bad Idea Critics of a universal basic income say that it creates a disincentive for people to work and it rewards non-productive activities. States the Mises Institution, named for the Austrian economic Ludwig von Mises: The struggling entrepreneurs and artists ... are struggling for a reason. For whatever reason, the market has deemed the goods they are providing to be insufficiently valuable. Their work simply isn’t productive according to those who would potentially consume the goods or services in question. In a functioning marketplace, producers of goods the consumers dont want would quickly have to abandon such endeavors and focus their efforts into productive areas of the economy. The universal basic income, however, allows them to continue their less-valued endeavors with the money of those who have actually produced value, which gets to the ultimate problem of all government welfare programs. Critics also describe the universal basic income as a wealth-distribution scheme that punishes those who work harder and earn more by directing more of their earnings to the program. Those who earn the least benefit the most, creating the disincentive to work, they believe. History of Universal Basic Income The humanist philosopher Thomas More, writing in his seminal 1516 work Utopia, argued for a universal basic income. The Nobel Prize winning activist Bertrand Russell proposed in 1918 that a universal basic income, sufficient for necessities, should be secured for all, whether they work or not, and that a larger income should be given to those who are willing to engage in some work which the community recognizes as useful. On this basis we may build further. Bertrands view was that providing the basic needs of every citizen would free them up to work on more important societal goals and live more harmoniously with their fellow man. After World War II, economist Milton Friedman floated the idea of a guaranteed income. Friedman wrote: We should replace the ragbag of specific welfare programs with a single comprehensive program of income supplements in cash - a negative income tax. It would provide an assured minimum to all persons in need, regardless of the reasons for their need†¦A negative income tax provides comprehensive reform which would do more efficiently and humanely what our present welfare system does so inefficiently and inhumanely. In the modern era, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has forward the idea, telling Harvard University graduates that we should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Chaucer 2 Essay Research Paper The Effects
Chaucer 2 Essay, Research Paper The Effects of Geoffrey Chaucer # 8217 ; s Education on the Canterbury Tales The Medieval period was one of transmutation. The great spiritual pilgrims journeies that occurred effected the class of history. Social set-ups were believed to be ordained by God and were non to be changed ( 1 ) . Therefore, Geoffrey Chaucer introduces each of the characters in the prologue of The Canterbury Tales and establishes their function in society. The church hierarchy was thought to be of equal importance ( hypertext transfer protocol: // chaucer/defense 2 ) . The church in some instances fulfilled the map of an educational system ( hypertext transfer protocol: // 2 ) . Both of these rankings by and large dictated the chances available to people. Therefore, instruction was non ever readily available. Alternatively, people relied on life experiences and common sense to steer them. This was no exclusion with author and poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Though he lacked a formal instruction ( hypertext transfer protocol: // /defense 2 ) , Chaucer rose to a outstanding authorities place ( Anderson 84 ) . In add-on, his literary plants show that he was highly good read ( Williams 1 ) . The effects of Chaucer # 8217 ; s instruction can be seen through his ability to compose work that would appeal to its readers, his use of assorted composing techniques, and his huge cognition of the society in which he lived. McKinley 2 By the terminal of the Middle Ages, a new assurance in the English linguistic communication was evident. Therefore, with this assurance came a higher position for English literature. This was illustrated in 1399 when Henry IV laid claim to the British throne ( Williams 4 ) . He did non execute the ceremonial in Gallic, as had been done in the past, but in English. Geoffrey Chaucer played a major function in set uping the English linguistic communication as a medium capable of the extreme artistic look ( Williams 4 ) . Chaucer wrote in a manner which appealed to his audience. Often called the Father of English poesy ( Anderson 84 ) , Chaucer draws on his ain experiences in the Tales ( 1 ) . These experiences frequently colored his work ( http: // 3 ) . In add-on, his usage of category construction ( hypertext transfer protocol: // literature/chaucer 2 ) coupled with his clear and concise remarks make the Tales more clear ( Anderson 85 ) . Chaucer besides on occasion touched his work with nicety ( Anderson 85 ) . Chaucer was influenced in several ways throughout his life. Geoffrey Chaucer was born in the early 1340 # 8217 ; s, about 1343, to John Chaucer, a comfortable vino merchandiser ( Williams ix ) . He was a member of the in-between category and learned about human nature while functioning as a royal page ( 1 ) . Chaucer draws on all of these experiences throughout The Canterbury Tales. He besides dealt with issues of import to society ( Anderson 84 ) . While doing the unheard of rise from in-between category to authorities functionary, Chaucer dealt with many jobs in the McKinley 3 British authorities. In add-on, he traveled all over the continent on diplomatic missions for the male monarch ( Williams 1 ) . Chaucer # 8217 ; s ability to compose on such a wide base of subjects and characters is derived from his huge work experience. The many # 8220 ; Chaucers # 8221 ; : the soldier, the courtier, the man-of-the-world, the diplomat, all aid in his acute apprehension of human personality and nature. All of these influences can be seen throughout his Hagiographas ( Williams 2 ) . Literary influences on Chaucer include the work of Virgil, Cicero, and Ovid, which were among his favourites, and many of which he read in their original linguistic communications. He besides translated many major texts from Latin and French into English ( Williams 1 ) . An devouring traveller, Chaucer visited Italy in 1373 and 1378. Here he discovered the poesy of Dante and Petrach ( Anderson 85 ) . He was really impressed by the work of these two poets and studied them intensively. The Canterbury Tales use several composing techniques and manners throughout. His work is strewn with allusions and metaphors drawn from medical specialty, music, jurisprudence, star divination and scriptural exegesis ( Williams 1 ) . Geoffrey Chaucer wrote in a clip period where it was non peculiarly stylish to compose serious or dramatic work ( Anderson 84 ) . But, Chaucer was non one to follow a criterion, but to put one. His usage of McKinley 4 antediluvian linguistic communication and deficiency of standard spelling rapidly caught on and became known as Middle English ( hypertext transfer protocol: // literature/chaucer/defense 3 ) . Besides, due in portion to Chaucer # 8217 ; s authorship, the usage of iambic pentameter became really popular in British literature ( Anderson 85 ) . A dominant metre of 10 syllables and assorted metrical signifiers every bit good as prose can besides be found throughout the Tales ( Anderson 85 ) . Geoffrey Chaucer # 8217 ; s instruction reached far beyond a traditional schoolroom. His legion life experiences formed his instruction. He worked both as a diplomat every bit good as an creative person. It is these two separate environments that, when combined, form Chaucer # 8217 ; s extended background and cognition of his society. As a page in a royal tribunal, Chaucer learned much about the societal system first manus ( Anderson 84 ) . From an early age, he held assorted places in a royal family ( Williams 1 ) . While on a royal assignment in France, he was captured by the Gallic ground forces and ransomed by the male monarch. Though his work took precedency over his authorship, Chaucer # 8217 ; s instruction in a societal scene transcended into his Hagiographas ( Williams 1 ) . One might get down to believe that Chaucer was, as said in modern footings, a work-a-holic. But it was common in the Middle Ages for writers and poets to work both as creative persons and keep a place in the market place. It was non common to specialise as it is today ( Williams 1 ) . On the contrary, composing McKinley 5 and poesy were merely a portion of the larger image of scientific disciplines. This larger image helped adult male with his true perceptual experience of world, and this was the point of Chaucer # 8217 ; s poesy: : # 8221 ; doctrine as the foundation of his art # 8221 ; ( Williams 2 ) . The church besides took a function as an educational establishment ( hypertext transfer protocol: // 2 ) . It served as a critical portion of society. Routine church services were held one time every hebdomad ( hypertext transfer protocol: // 2 ) . Chaucer # 8217 ; s ability to compose work that would appeal to its readers, his use of assorted composing techniques, and his huge cognition of the society in which he lived are all evident due to his extended instruction. The Canterbury Tales offer an copiousness of cognition of the period every bit good as a window into certain professions ( hypertext transfer protocol: // 2 ) . While functioning as a historical papers, the Tales blend several degrees of society together ( hypertext transfer protocol: // /chaucer/defense 2 ) . It has been commented that # 8220 ; the noticeable thing about them ( the Tales ) is their normalcy # 8221 ; ( Anderson 85 ) .
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Human Physiology and Anatomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Human Physiology and Anatomy - Essay Example As the paper declares excretion of waste products from the body is the most important function of the kidney within the body. Urea is the main product that gets excreted in the process. Also, the kidney has the responsibility to regulate water in the body as well as balance the acid base and electrolytes levels within the body. These are some of the common functions that kidney has been known to perform since years. However in the recent years, studies have obtained that kidney has an endocrinal responsibility as well. This is so because the kidney helps in secretion of a variety of materials like renin and erythropoietin into the stream of blood, leading to several effects external to the kidney as well. From this study it is clear that the role of the kidneys involves processing blood such that waste products and excess water can be removed from the body. This function takes place everyday within the body of human beings. The waste materials are eliminated in the form of urine as a result of this process. The significance of this function of the kidneys lies in the fact that if the kidneys did not allow the elimination of the waste products, then these products would accumulate in the blood leading to damage to the human body as a whole. In terms of function, renal function and kidney function are the same. A person having both kidneys active enables the functions of the kidney effective. Several nephrons are present in each kidney that allows intertwining of small blood vessels and tubes that collect the urine.
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